A Call to Worship
Epiphany 3C 2010
Psalm 19

The heavens declare the glory of God.
Day after day, their messages are spelt out.
With joy we respond to these silent signs!

The shining light of the sun sends
its messages each day to us,
and it invites us to carefully search
for any darkness within ourselves.

God’s word is also a shining light
and its messages shine into our hearts and minds.
As we come to worship you this day
may the words we speak, and our thoughts
be acceptable to you, the Lord of light. Amen.

Prayers of Praise and Petition
Epiphany 3C 2010
Psalm 19

O Lord, our great and mighty God, we come in praise
of you for the way your messages reach us every day,
without a single word needing to be spoken.
The wonder and majesty of our God is clearly revealed
to all creation - without a murmur, without a song,
without a speech, and without a sermon about God’s powers.
Loving God, the Light of our life,
help us to understand and respond to God’s daily messages.

Lord, the Light of our lives, your daily messages
are like the heat and light of the sun, directing its rays
into the darkness of our individual and communal lives.
Help us with your light, to see the need for transformation
of our motives, our ambitions, and our daily work-practices.
Loving God, the Light of our life,
help us to allow God’s searching light into our lives.

We especially seek from you O God, a deeper knowledge
and understanding of your holy word, which speaks to us
of God in ways that are pure and clear, enduring and timeless—
in their truth, in their wisdom, and in their challenges.
Your holy word is life-giving, life-renewing and life-sustaining.
Loving God, the Light of our life,
help us each day to follow your holy word of Life.

O Lord our God, the Light of our life and death,
help us to discern ways of overcoming our conscious
and unconscious sin, and our hidden and secret thoughts
that bring pain to our forgiving God; and which form a
stumbling blocks to vulnerable or fear-filled people.
Loving God, the Light of our life,
help us to overcome our secret sin, and to grow in holiness.

Loving God, the Light of our life, cleanse our thoughts,
words and actions, because not only are you the Light
that brightens our path, but you are our solid rock
Foundation, the Source and Centre of our very being.
Loving God, the Light of our life,
help us to always rely on your unchanging Light and Love. Amen.

A Personal Meditation
Epiphany 3C 2010
Psalm 19

O God, the Lord of light and the Lord of infinite wisdom,
I thank you for the way your creation speaks to me of God’s
majesty, without any words, without any special language;
and yet it is quite clear to me - yes, even I can understand it!

Creative pause: God’s non-verbal messages.

O God, the Creator of light and love, I give thanks for the
silent messages the sun daily sends me. They explain
that the sun is like the Light of your word as it brings fresh
light and healing into the darkness of my ignorance and pride.
Yes! God’s Word of Light brings healing, wholeness and joy.

Creative pause: Healing through light and love.

O Lord my God, your Laws, your understanding of Life—
as it is designed to be lived in community with others—
demands of me that I read, listen, observe and absorb
God’s daily messages delivered to me in their many formats.
Even in my relationships, my God invites me to live an awe-filled,
worship-filled life - filled with God’s indwelling presence.

Creative pause: Living an awe-filled life of worship.

With God’s help, I am challenged by God’s awesome word
to live a life of purity, integrity, and never allow evil to gain
a foothold in my inner life. Each day, may I seek to make
my life, my speech, my thoughts, and above all my actions,
to be a witness to the majesty of my great and Unmovable God.

Creative pause: Witnessing daily to my Rock-like God.

Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union'); as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.

If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.


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