A Call to Worship
Easter 6C 2010
Psalm 67
Holy are you, O God of grace and mercy.May all the nations praise you, O God.
May all the nations of the earth joyfully
sing because God’s justice is supreme!
May the love that lights up the face of God
shine with favour upon us and bless us;
teaching us God’s way of living and loving
so that we may witness to that love and grace.
We gather to worship our wise and holy God.
We are in awe and revere you for your saving works.
We come together to seek your blessing, O God.
Praise be to our generous and just God. Amen.
Prayers of Thankfulness and Petition
Easter 6C 2010
Psalm 67
In praise and in worship, we celebrate the blessed merciesGod has so generously given to us. O God, we come before
you now rejoicing that you look upon us with love, and that you
have turned your radiant face of love and blessing face towards us
and because of this gift, we are warmed by your love and mercy.
O Lord our God, we pray that all the peoples of the world will
recognise and accept that your great love and your love-light’s
shining radiance is also for them; and that they too will know God’s
transforming love in the best or most testing of circumstances.
Loving God, we pray that this recognition and acceptance of God’s
merciful love will call forth a response so that they too will want join
in the songs of praises to God. May people discover the blessedness
of God’s equitable approach in the sharing of God’s love, mercy and
compassion; and in receiving the gift of an abundant life lived in God.
Gracious and generous God, we give thanks for your provision
of our human needs, given as the fruits of the earth to sustain and
preserve God’s people; and given also to sustain and preserve all
of creation. Loving God, help us also to be faithful to you when the
earth’s bounty is not so plentiful, and when our needs are not fully met.
Merciful God, we ask that you bless us in our good and difficult times,
and that you will continue to shine your love on us through all the varied
circumstances of life; so that we may rise above all our struggles to sing
your praise, and offer our worship to you, the Giver of all good gifts. Amen.
A Personal Meditation
Easter 6C 2010
Psalm 67
How blest I am when I recognise and accept the gracious giftsof God’s special blessings. When I share these blessings with
other people, I am also given the gracious gift of further blessings!
How generous is the Lord our God, and may these blessings
continue to enrich my inner life, and my personal ministry.
Creative pause: | Shared enrichment from recognised blessings. |
When I experience the warmth and blessing of the bright light
of God’s love shining on me, this raises my hope that all peoples
will understand that God’s gracious attitude is the same towards
each individual person - and to humanity as a whole - for all times.
Creative pause: | The bright light of God’s love is for all peoples. |
I sing for joy at the abundance of God’s love – there is enough of that
love for everyone to be warmed by it! Help me to understand that it is
humanity’s indifference to each other, that causes suffering and pain
for so many people. Help me to learn to carry out my part in this task
of reconciling people to each other and to God, and to share God’s love.
Creative pause: | Sing for joy because of God’s graciousness. |
O the joy of bountiful blessings received from God! What a privilege
it is when my needs are supplied! My hope is that these blessings
from God will continue. I also hope that in all the circumstances of life,
even in the tough times, that I never lose this capacity to hope, and
that my faith in God will remain strong; and that I will always be able
to see and recognise God’s love at work around me and within me.
I celebrate the bountiful blessings I receive each day from God!
Creative pause: | The blessedness of hope and of trust in God. |
Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and
Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union');
as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.
If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.
Download/view a pdf file of this document here: easter6c_2010.pdf