A Call to Worship
Easter 5C 2010
Psalm 148

Great Creator, still creating, space and
time reverberates with your praises.
All eternity and this very moment reveal
how worthy is God to receive our praise.

Great Creator, still creating, all creation
sings your praise and celebrates your presence.
May our daily living reflect our praise of you.

Great Creator, still creating, all humanity—
patterned in God’s own image and being.
We gather to worship our Creating God,
and together, we join the eternal hymn of praise—
Hallelujah! Blessings! Glory! Honour! Amen and Amen!

Prayers of Praise and Exaltation
Easter 5C 2010
Psalm 148

Praise the Lord, the Almighty, the great Creator! We come
in awe and humility to offer our gifts of thankfulness and praise,
for the wonder of the heavens as we know them, and to join
with countless other spiritual beings, to celebrate the wonders
of space and beyond, all of which were created by God’s will.
God, Great Creator still creating: whose majestic glory fills
the heavens and the earth, and whose name alone is exalted.

Praise the Lord, the Almighty, the great Creator! All creation,
seen and unseen, known and unknown to us, experienced by
us through heat and cold, light and dark, storm and calm—
together we join in the echoes of the heavenly anthems of
celebration and praise to the God of infinite power and majesty.
God, Great Creator still creating: all that is imaginary and
authentic brings praise and honour to your Holy name.

Praise the Lord, the Almighty, the great Creator! Your people
of every age and time, gather to offer their praises and worship,
as they respond in thoughts, words and deeds to the reality of
God’s presence in God’s own world, and within our own beings.
God, Great Creator still creating: all the saints and angels that
exist beyond our experience praise your powerful and majestic name.

Praise the Lord, the Almighty, the great Creator! Since the dawn
of creation, you alone, Creating God, had the capacity to develop,
shape and imprint the patterns and unique designs of your creations.
You alone are worthy to be praised. You alone are worthy of the
reverent awe, honour and respect, and the exaltation of the ages.
God, Great Creator still creating: worship, glory and praise are
humbly offered to your holy, exalted and enduring name. Amen.

Optional Responses: These may be made using an “echo” concept such as:
two readers, M - Male / F – Female or R – Right / L - Left

A Personal Meditation
Easter 5C 2010
Psalm 148

Before creation began, God was God - all glorious, all majestic,
all wonder, all powerful, all knowing, and in the purity of beauty!

Creative pause: How can I describe God?

The Lord, the Creating God, the One who acted and continues to
act is also worthy of praise and honour! All the spiritual beings of
the heavenly realms sing their ever-continuing praises the Holy God.
In my imagination, I listen to all the circling planets and all the stars
in space and time, joining in the chorus of praise to God, the Holy One.
All the invisible gases swirling around in space, and the tumbling clouds—
heavy with their moisture, are rumbling their messages of praise to God.

Creative pause: All the unseen elements are praising God.

The choirs within the heavens are joined by earth’s varied choirs,
all responding with joy in their own praises to God - the Holy One.
I humbly join in the chorus of praise and worship, because you alone,
Creating God, continuing to lay down these patterns of formation,
growth and behaviour, all of which echo the great chorus of praise to God.

Creative pause: Earth’s echoing responses - in praise to God.

All creatures great and small; wet and dry,
all creatures smooth and scaly; winged or finned;
all creatures fierce and fragile; leafed and haired;
all creatures which slither and stride; hop and soar;
all creatures raucous and quiet; colourful and dull;
all creatures of every description - and even me,
all echoing each other, in their praise of God - the Holy One.

Creative pause: A wide variety of creatures praising God.

Humanity in all its diversity unites in praise of God. Humanity, as
God’s highest creation - patterned in God’s own image. Each day
we live out our praises to God in response to God’s glory, elderly
women and men, young girls and boys, families and singles,
each one assists in the praise of our great God. Humanity past,
present and future join their reconciling songs of praise to God,
the Almighty, the Exalted One who is All-Glorious throughout all
time, through all generations, through all experiences on to eternity.

Creative pause: Come, join me in the chorus of praise.

Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union'); as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.

If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.


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