A Call to Worship
Ascension Day Year C 2010
Psalms 47 and 93
The Lord our God is King!Greet the King with shouts of joy!
Sing songs of praise to the Lord our King,
for the Lord is King over all the earth!
The Lord our God is King over all creatures,
in submissive awe, all creatures bow down.
The Lord our God is King over all peoples,
in submissive awe, all peoples bow down in worship.
The throne of our King of kings was established
before time began, and it will last forever and ever!
The strong and glorious foundations of God’s throne
are holiness and majestic power. With joy, we come
to worship and sing songs of praise to the King. Amen.
Prayers of Thankfulness
Ascension Day Year C 2010
Psalms 47 and 93
The throne of the Lord our God, the King of all things wasestablished from before time began, and God’s holiness and
majesty forms its foundations. The strength of our God is mightier
than any raging torrent; more powerful than any storm; and there
is nothing in all creation that can shake the foundation of our God.
Holy for ever is your reign, O Lord our God and Eternal King.
The Lord our God is King, King over all creation and peoples.
All creatures joyfully shout aloud their praise of God the King!
The mighty oceans roar their appreciation of the rule of God.
The high and low lands sing their hallelujahs to the God our King!
All peoples join in the chorus of praise to our God the King!
Holy for ever is your reign, O Lord our God and Eternal King.
With joy we come in prayer to celebrate and give thanks for
the wonder of our God and King, who for many generations,
has blessed and guided us, and been our Light and our Truth.
The Lord our King has been our safe haven in times of conflict,
and given encouragement and blessings when any are troubled.
Holy for ever is your reign, O Lord our God and Eternal King.
We give thanks for the rich individual and personal relationship
that is possible with God our King. We rejoice in the blessings
of God’s intimate involvement with humanity from the distant past,
and give thanks that this involvement will continue on for ever.
Holy for ever is your reign, O Lord our God and Eternal King. Amen.
A Personal Meditation
Ascension Day Year C 2010
Psalms 47 and 93
All creation comes together in songs of praise to our gloriousGod and King. Seas and rivers, skies, lands, islands, creatures
large and small; and above all, God’s greatest creation – humanity—
each with their individual responses - which create a choir of hallelujahs;
a chorus of praise; and an anthem of worshipful awe before our God.
Creative pause: | Creation’s response is ceaseless praise of God. |
I want to join in and shout with joyful praise and excitement because
the awesome God – the King of all things whom I worship, is also
the King of all the nations! This united approach to praising our King
brings a sense of companionship with others who also travel on life’s
journey, for they too are experiencing the glorious wonders of our God.
Creative pause: | Unseen others join in my praises of God. |
I take real and deep comfort in the long commitment that God made
to God’s own people since time began, and from the promises made
that this commitment has no end. This covenant of God’s is one of
love and majestic grace, through which my forebears were previously
blessed; and now my generation is also receiving these blessings;
and I anticipate that these promised blessings will continue into the future.
Creative pause: | God chooses to be involved with humanity. |
With reverent awe, I willingly respond to God’s many blessings, as I
remember that God’s royal decrees cannot be changed, and that the
foundation of God’s reign is holiness. Reverence and awe arise to
surround God the King on high, as all creation responds to God’s royal
reign with songs of never-ending praise and acts of commitment to their King.
Creative pause: | Reverent and joy-filled awe are my responses to God. |
Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and
Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union');
as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.
If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.
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